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Module #1 – Autism Asperger Understanding from the Inside Out

Autism Asperger
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Start understanding (Autism Asperger) what makes them tick, how you can help, and what resources you can access for their successful development. Includes interviews to find out what was hard and what helped kids who overcame great obstacles.

What People are saying:
Susan Crockett, MD on March 15, 2014

Help for parents of Spectrum Kids.

“Autism is an increasing problem in our society. Regardless of where you believe it comes from, helping our spectrum kids feel connected and integrated into life is every parent’s hope. This video is made with the parent of an Autism kid in mind. Practical, kind, and effective. Well worth your time. It opened my eyes.”

“This video has a tremendous amount of information and resources packed into it. The interviews with the children helped my understand a lot about the school experience of a student on the spectrum. ”

“There is so much misinformation in the press these days, that it is great to get a clear understanding of the issue.”
“Delivers valuable insight- public should see it”  By Daphne on September 25, 2015

“Just as described–Helpful film offers insight into how children ‘on the Autism spectrum’ think and operate. In a down to earth manner we learn from their personal perspective. The environment is very casual. I recommend it to any parent with a child ‘on the spectrum’. Actually, the entire public should see this. Certainly those who come across this population. And we all do at some time-be it in public or just through hear say.”

“Great Documentary”
“Another well made documentary about Autism and ASD! I would watch it again! I Enjoyed it very much! Audio and picture were clear and audible!”

Autism Asperger Understanding from the Inside Out Course Learning Objectives

At the end of the Autism Asperger learning course, the learner will be able to:

1.) Explain theory of mind, how it contributes to unexpected social behaviors, and ways to comment and make questions in daily life to develop perspective taking ability and empathy.

2.) Recognize the most difficult aspects of school participation and have ideas about how it can become more manageable for children affected by autism spectrum disorder.

3.) Improve accuracy in identifying behaviors that are the result of thinking skills that can be taught instead of viewing the behaviors as the result of bad choices or willfulness.

4.) Develop an appreciation for sensory issues and be able to use supplied resources to help children self-regulate and recover when they get disorganized.

You can see a preview video of the Autism Asperger course on the homepage.


1. Intro

2. Mindblindness

3. High Anxiety

4. Bullying

5. Executive Functions

6. Communication

7. Sensory Issues

8. Interview: What's hard about school? (Part 1)

9. Interview: What’s hard about school? (Part 2)

10. Interview: What’s hard about school? (Part 3)

11. Functional Implications of Disrupted Sensory Processing

12. Self-Esteem

13. Tunnel Vision

14. Social Skills

15. Problem Solving

16. Extreme Emotions

17. Defense Mechanisms

18. Concluding Comments

Resources included in this module

1. Test Autism-Aspergers

2. Autism/Asperger Resources

3. 1-5 Scale

4. Accountability Sheet- Helps get them to actually USE or TRY those coping skills.

5. Activity Schedules- Helps with transitions and getting them to do what needs to be done.

6. Bad Minute Plan- What is GOOD to do, emphasizing a bad minute does not a bad day make

7. Behavior Contract For

8. Behavior Rating Chart- Easy, positve way to chart behaviors and determine reward levels

9. Behavior Management Tricks and Treats

10. Bullies

11. Classroom Modifications

12. Credit System Points Template

13. Credit System Behavior Management Tips

14. Credit System Rewards Sample List

15. Credit System Rewards Template

16. Credit System Rules and Expectations

17. Credit System Words of Appreciation

18. Developmental Stages and Successful Adult Responses- What kind of adult response and environment best suits a child at according to their current developmental level and age range?

19. Executive Functions- What are they?

20. Executive Function Remediation Strategies

21. Games that build social skills

22. Functional Behavior Assessment- This is best completed as a group or team when a behavior problem is persistent and you want to hone in on what the behavior is about and intervene successfully.

23. Garden of the Mind- Your mind is like a garden- learn to keep the bad stuff, or negative thoughts, out, and the good in.

24. Heavy Work Activities Home- Heavy work activities help with those ever-restless, sensation seeking, wear-you-out kiddos.

25. Heavy Work Activities Include

26. Heavy Work Activities School

27. Incorrect or Irrational Core Beliefs

28. IEP Behavioral Goal Menu

29. Limitless Love

30. Meditations- Practicing these along with relaxation and exercise daily can boost focus, reduce restlessness, and prevent problems and irritability.

31. Metacognition- Got a kid who says they didn't do it right after you saw them do it? Check this out.

32. Outside Games- Games to play outside to build social skills, improve processing speed, work on learning and following new rules. has hundreds of these.

33. Parent response to outbursts that build child's empathy

34. Problem Solving Template

35. Proprioception- Here's another reason you may not have been aware of that explains why some kids don't keep their hands to themselves and invade others' personal space. Try Heavy Work Activities and Occupational Therapy to evaluate for help.

36. Pros and Cons of Digital Media and Human Development

37. Related Service Counseling

38. Relaxation Tips

39. Self-Monitor- For the kid who only works when an adult is right there next to them prompting, create independence in staying on-task even when nobody is watching.

40. Thinking Skills- Clear expectations and rewards are great, but people often need help with the thinking skills they need to get themselves to perform a behavior or adapt successfully to changing demands from the environment.

41. Thinking Errors- Help for those extreme and black/white thinking patterns

42. Thinking Errors Practice

43. Thought Record

44. Video Game Addiction?

45. Working Memory Remediation- They can only remember one or two directions at a time? You send them to their room to get shoes on because it's time to go and they don't return? Here's your ticket.

46. Who Am I?- Use this to begin creating an "All about Me" binder. Have the person you are working with put photos and images of family and preferred activities in this binder also, then as they develop tools and strategies put visuals and descriptions in the binder, such as social stories, ways to cope with feelings, etc. This is a nice, personal way to develop a sense of self and introduce a kid to a new teacher, the new teacher sees pictures of this person in their home and with family, it is a better way to create a good connection and relationship than presenting an IEP with a list of special things the teacher has to work to do to provide for someone with special needs. Then when they run into trouble outside of home, they have a ready to use manual of strategies to help, and people around them can help point to the strategies and offer coaching.

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