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Archive | Counseling Techniques for Autism and ADHD

Counseling Techniques for Autism and ADHD

During 30 years of working with kids as a school psychologist in public schools and as an LPC in private practice at my Autism Clinic and Family Counseling Center, I have digitized many forms, templates, and counseling techniques that I often use because they work. I decided to make them publicly available for parents, teachers, counselors, and psychologists to use. For the most complete collection of Counseling Tools for Kids in Schools, try this book, available in 8.5 x11 paper form on Amazon or as an ebook with printable pdf forms from my website here at It is full of counseling techniques appropriate for Autism and ADHD.

You can also find free courses, forms, and brief explanations of counseling techniques for Autism and ADHD on my Behavior and Counseling Resources for Free page.

By the way, if a strategy can work with kids dealing with the complexity of autism spectrum disorder, you can bet it could be dynamite with children who struggle with ADHD, anxiety, and many other issues. One of the reasons I created so many forms and templates was because I needed concrete visually presented strategies for my clients, as well as a way to share these strategies with teachers and parents so they  could be coaching the child to remember and use their strategies where it really counts. I think combining some good behavior management with rewards for attempting to make good changes and use adaptive coping strategies is often necessary to get the skills to generalize outside of your counseling office.

Counseling techniques for Autism

Many of these strategies are appropriate for teachers and parents to use as well. Below are some articles providing more thoughts and information about counseling techniques for Autism and ADHD:

ADHD Best Counseling Practices

ADHD Child’s Self-esteem

Coronavirus Kid Care Kit- Parent help guide

Student Loss of Joy and Motivation for School During Covid Guide

How to Talk to Kids in Crisis

Success Story Strategy for Anxious Kids with Autism

CBT Counseling Strategies for Autism

Stop Autistic Child from Perseverating

Gifted Autistic Tempering Perfectionism

Caregiver Stress Inventory

Metaphors for Teaching Children about Power in Feelings, Relationships, Teasing, and Bullying

Teaching Children Responsibility and Independence

Metacognition for self-esteem, self-regulation, academic success

How to Get the Most Out of My Counseling Session

Bullying Help Autism, ADHD, Gifted

Best Way to Motivate Autistic ADHD Child

Breathe- One Simple Trick Helps Focus, Energy, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep, and More

Effective Discipline for an Exceptional Child

Your Dream Book- Getting Clear on What You Want- How to connect schoolwork now to what you want later and develop passion for goals!

Teach Emotional Control and the Power of Thought

Calming Jar Meditation Tool

Solution Focused Counseling Techniques

Video Game Addiction Digital Media Management

Child Anxiety Definitions and Strategies

Digital Diet for Children and Teens including family media agreement template, tools for keeping kids safe online, maintaining focus and motivation for virtual school, video game addiction, pros and cons of digital media

What is Twice Exceptional? When a person is both gifted and has ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, or something else, one condition often masks the other…

Social emotional impact of covid on young children up to age 6 and how to help

Social emotional impact of covid on children aged 6-12 with tools and resources to support healthy coping

Social emotional impact of covid on teens and young adults with resources


Autism Aspergers Understanding from the Inside Out

Teaching Social Skills Through Play


Diagnosis Autism or Aspergers: Now What?

Your Dream Book

Counseling Tools for Kids in Schools

YouTube Teaching Social Skills Through Play Course on this site exerpt

Counseling techniques for Autism and ADHD

Which behavioral therapy works best for autism?

Therapies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Parent Training for in Behavior Management for ADHD

Strategies for ADHD: How Counselors Help

AI in Psychology and Counseling

Like it or not, AI has already permeated our lives and practices. Artificial intelligence in psychology, counseling, school psychology, and our children’s phones begs us to understand this digital revolution so that we can protect and serve our population. What follows is a review of current uses and concerns, which are changing by the day. […]

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Habits for Behavioral Health

Our culture is generally aware that behavioral health problems abound in increasing rates, but what about habits for behavioral health to counter all the reasons put out there for the struggles so many face today? You can help yourself or someone you care about manage suffering and experience joy simply by committing to these better […]

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ADHD Best Treatment Practices

ADHD Best Treatment PracticesBelow find a review of ADHD best treatment practices which include the following:Self-esteemCognitive-Behavioral TherapyBehavioral Therapy and Parent TrainingOrganizational and Planning SkillsCoping Skills- Emotional Awareness and Self-controlSocial and Social Thinking SkillsExecutive SkillsLifestyle StrategiesSensory Integration, Proprioception, Fine Motor InterventionComorbid Anxiety, Depression, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, CAPDNew FDA approved deviceVideo GamesSelf-esteem ADHD Best Treatment PracticesStudies show that […]

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Find sleep treat insomnia

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) find sleep and treat that pesky insomnia.Some of my child, adolescent, and adult clients have their sleep schedules turned upside down. Awake at night, worrying alone or playing video games, then sleeping by day and struggling with fatigue.For many, the pandemic has disrupted normal routines and structures. Isolating at home, […]

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Metacognition for self-esteem, self-regulation, academic success

Metacognition for self-esteem, self-regulation, academic successDid you know metacognition instruction has been identified and validated as a key method for improving self-esteem, self-regulation, academic success, and test scores?I have this little book called Mr. Daydream I sometimes read to children who seem to daydream in school and miss instruction. It’s pretty short and I ask […]

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Covid Impact on Teens and Young Adults

Covid Impact on Teens and Young Adults- Understanding and SupportingThis article explores social and emotional stressors on teens and young adults followed by ways to support them and resources.To summarize covid impact on teens and young adults from the CDC’s website: in their routines (e.g., having to physically distance from family, friends, worship community)Breaks in […]

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Covid Impact on Children aged 6-12

Covid impact on children aged 6-12: understanding and supporting mental health.The first section of this article explores covid impact on children aged 6-12, while the second part reviews what can be done to manage and mediate these unfortunate factors. Solutions and resources for emotional health and coping skills, managing behaviors, getting through virtual school, and […]

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Breathe- Simple Trick Helps Focus, Energy, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep, and More

Breathe- One Simple Trick Helps Focus, Energy, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep, and More(Scroll down to see links to supporting research, additional reading, videos demonstrating strategy)We’ve surely had our share of challenges here in Central Texas. As if the blooming covid numbers and restrictions weren’t enough, now we’ve been frozen in by winter storms the likes of […]

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Student Loss of Joy and Motivation for School

Finding Your Focus and Joy Within Covid Restrictions Guide for Student Loss of Joy and Motivation for SchoolMissing friends, trouble engaging with virtual school and work formats, feeling the blues? Some of us are tempted to dwell and brood on our losses, failures, things we can no longer do with Covid restrictions in place. Maybe […]

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Back to School and Special Education Needs in Covid Times- Virtual or In-person?

Virtual or In-person?In this article, in the following order…Deciding and dealing with virtual or in-person school under Covid protectionsTips for virtual schoolingMenu of off-line at-home activities for keeping kids busy and out of troubleManaging screen timePros and cons of virtual counselingHow to know if your kids are doing okKeeping ourselves healthy in changing circumstancesVirtual or […]

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Get the free mini-course!

We created a free mini-course that includes "Ten-minute Secret to Eternal Success" and "How to Teach Kids not to be so Negative and Have a Positive Attitude". Click below to get instant access!

Click here to get the free mini-course

I want to create healthy happy life

It can be hard to work with a mind that keeps going to the problems and worries. It's time to teach children their power over thoughts and feelings.

I would like teachable exercises for; replacing thoughts that are not helpful, reasonable, or true, creating joy and emotional resilience, Mindgarden metaphor illustrating power and choice in thoughts, Dream Book strategy for identifying clear goals and building motivation, a video explaining how NOT to let others or situations have the power to bring you down!

Content curated by Brad Mason, LPC Powered by Kit