Module #1 – Autism Asperger Understanding from the Inside Out

Start understanding (Autism Asperger) what makes them tick, how you can help, and what resources you can access for their successful development. Includes interviews to find out what was hard and what helped kids who overcame great obstacles.
What People are saying:
Susan Crockett, MD on March 15, 2014
Help for parents of Spectrum Kids.
“Autism is an increasing problem in our society. Regardless of where you believe it comes from, helping our spectrum kids feel connected and integrated into life is every parent’s hope. This video is made with the parent of an Autism kid in mind. Practical, kind, and effective. Well worth your time. It opened my eyes.”
“This video has a tremendous amount of information and resources packed into it. The interviews with the children helped my understand a lot about the school experience of a student on the spectrum. ”
“Just as described–Helpful film offers insight into how children ‘on the Autism spectrum’ think and operate. In a down to earth manner we learn from their personal perspective. The environment is very casual. I recommend it to any parent with a child ‘on the spectrum’. Actually, the entire public should see this. Certainly those who come across this population. And we all do at some time-be it in public or just through hear say.”
Autism Asperger Understanding from the Inside Out Course Learning Objectives
At the end of the Autism Asperger learning course, the learner will be able to:
1.) Explain theory of mind, how it contributes to unexpected social behaviors, and ways to comment and make questions in daily life to develop perspective taking ability and empathy.
2.) Recognize the most difficult aspects of school participation and have ideas about how it can become more manageable for children affected by autism spectrum disorder.
3.) Improve accuracy in identifying behaviors that are the result of thinking skills that can be taught instead of viewing the behaviors as the result of bad choices or willfulness.
4.) Develop an appreciation for sensory issues and be able to use supplied resources to help children self-regulate and recover when they get disorganized.
You can see a preview video of the Autism Asperger course on the homepage.