Module #3 – ADHD & ODD: Reaching, Teaching & Managing

The hardest part can be just the daily grind of trying to keep them on-task, on-time, organized, and under control. Develop a healthy attitude about what you should expect and what you can do to keep them performing better.
What people are saying:
“This was an awesome resource, really full of practical creative ways of helping ADHD children.” -Ann
“Life Changing information, easy to understand”
“Thank you so much for this video! We have been to many doctors, counselors, and therapists and none have been near as helpful as this video! I finally understand what I (and his school) are doing wrong and how to fix it. This gave us hope. I have spent the last 2 months trying to repair the damage done to my son’s self esteem and trust and have seen good results. I wish I had found this last year. Now with this video we have direction and resources. We have tons of work to do but now I look forward to all of it. This information is extremely valuable and important to any family struggling with adhd odd children. I was in tears watching this. Thank you.” -Mom of a 5 and 3 year old.
“Within the first ten minutes, I felt like I was looking at my children with a brand new set of eyes” -Maryanne Larkin
“Within the first ten minutes of watching I felt like I was looking at my children with a brand new set of eyes. Informative and inspiring, the fact that the information and guidance is coming from not just a professional prospective but a personal one really makes the difference. I immediately saw where and why I was struggling to get through to my kids. I applied some of the suggested techniques the very same day with my children and the response was immediate and amazing. I’ve watched this a few times now and have been looking into some of the other suggested resources on the list provided at the end of the video and I have to say that for the first time since our diagnosis I feel like we aren’t just surviving – we’re thriving!”
Susan Crockett, MD
Demystifying the Mysterious
ADHD and ODD Course Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, the learner will be able to:
1.) Broaden and deepen understanding of the underlying thinking skills called executive functions that contribute to the difficulties people with ADHD demonstrate.
2.) Identify methods to compensate or remediate weaknesses in thinking skills required to adapt successfully to changing and ongoing demands from the environment on children’s attention and performance.
3.) Understand how to respond to oppositional and defiant behavior by using patience, and offering time with desired resources and activities, shifting the adult role of taking away to giving, without getting into a power struggle that escalates conflicts.
4.) Implement discipline strategies that promote rather than take away from self-esteem.
You can also check out a preview video of ADHD and ODD from the home page.