Module #8 – The Struggles of the Gifted Child

The truly gifted children are not always easier to teach and parent; they present their own unique challenges and obstacles. Be proactive in helping them temper perfectionism, manage emotions, get along with classmates, and defer to authority instead of splitting hairs and being little lawyers.
Gifted Child Course Learning Objectives
After completing the Gifted course the learner will be able to:
1.) Recognize challenges associated with giftedness in children and adults.
2.) Establish a bank of strategies to help a gifted person work through or manage their difficulties.
3.) Understand techniques to help the gifted establish social and emotional adjustment.
4.) Identify a particular child’s individual profile of overexciteability.
Five Stars! Insightful.
Great video to help parents of gifted children understand the realities of the blessings and challenges of having a gifted child.- People and Health
You can also see a preview video of The Struggle of the Gifted Child course on the homepage.