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Your Story

Your Story

Get out of your rut

Use this only if you want to be a hero

Our stories about ourselves, our children, and our lives are very powerful. They inform us about how to think, feel, and act. They tell us what we can and can not do. We tell our stories to others who will listen and agree with our story. If they didn’t agree, or offered another explanation, it is as if they are denying us our reality, the one we are invested in, perhaps the one that explains why we have no power to be different, to feel different, to think and act differently to get a new outcome. So we tend to seek those who agree with us, and become angry with those who do not, denying their message and our own power for change. This is tribal power. This is how we maintain our “illness.”

To take the 5 day challenge to change your story and become a hero, go here.

  1. Write your story; it could be as long or as short as you like.
  2. Now read your story. How does it sound? Does if feel the way you expected?
  3. What kind of story is it? Tragedy? Drama? Fairy Tale?
  4. What kind of character is the main character? Hero, victim, martyr (someone who sacrifices and suffers so that others benefit but never gets the recognition or gratitude they deserve)? Is it someone who is always trying to please others and ends up unhappy? Someone who should have been much greater if it weren’t for __________? A person who is misunderstood? A character whose greatness is thwarted by the weakness and stupidity of others?
  5. Now write a story of that which most bothers you, something you would like to change, even if you think it can’t be changed. If you would like feedback on any parts of your story, you may post it anonymously here in the comments on this webpage.
  6. What kind of story is this?
  7. How would you like it to be different?
  8. If there are any unwanted facts in your present or past you can’t change, could you change your interpretation? Could you change the way it has effected or will affect you? Could you change how you respond?
  9. Could you do something with your life now that would lend meaning to your pain and suffering? (Example: Parent of a child with autism using their experience to help other parents newer to this situation?)
  10. Write a story about a time you were happy and/or successful in spite of some obstacles.
  11. What helped you become happy or successful in spite of the obstacles?
  12. How is this story different from your story of pain?
  13. Is there anything you did that made this story different?
  14. How could you do more of what worked now? Could you do something like this to transform your story of pain?
  15. Finally, write your story of pain in the format of the Hero’s Journey. It’s okay to engage in fantasy to create an ending you desire. Here is the format of the Hero’s Journey:
    1. Introduce the main character (You, the Hero) and setting.
    2. Describe the conflict, or difficulty faced by the Hero or Heroine.
    3. Elaborate the struggle, the time of darkness and pain.
    4. Make the struggle seem impossible to overcome.
    5. Identify friends, mentors, allies who can assist or offer advice or training.
    6. Provide the Hero with any tools, resources, or weapons they need.
    7. Create a confrontation where the Hero, now transformed with new tools, allies, or skills engages with the problem or conflict and emerges victorious.
    8. Now the main character is no longer the victim of circumstance, you are instead the hero!
    9. For help you can also view this blog post:

To take the 5 day challenge to change your story and become a hero, go here.

Relationships, Feelings; Learn Your Power

My Power Book on Kindle unlimited, or paper back on Amazon here.


I want to create healthy happy life

It can be hard to work with a mind that keeps going to the problems and worries. It's time to teach children their power over thoughts and feelings.

I would like teachable exercises for; replacing thoughts that are not helpful, reasonable, or true, creating joy and emotional resilience, Mindgarden metaphor illustrating power and choice in thoughts, Dream Book strategy for identifying clear goals and building motivation, a video explaining how NOT to let others or situations have the power to bring you down!

Content curated by Brad Mason, LPC Powered by Kit

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