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Anxiety, Panic Attacks Help

Here’s a neat trick for anxiety, panic attacks help. I call it a word experiment. Start with sensations that signal distress. Make a list, and put an = sign next to each sensation, and generate what this sensation means.

anxiety, panic attacks help

tight chest = heart attack

increased heart rate = panic

Next generate some alternative interpretations of these sensations, or substitute the “does not equal sign” for the equal sign.

tight chest does not equal heart attack

increased heart rate does not mean panic

Now ask, which seems more true to you?


tight chest = excitement

tight chest = anticipation

tight chest = desire

tight chest = love

increased heart rate = excitement

increased heart rate = interest

increased heart rate = caffeine side effect

increased heart rate = arousal

Which seems more true, or, which do you prefer?

See how it works?

Not all of your physical sensations have to be interpreted as anxiety, panic attacks, or acute distress.

awareness and choices = freedom and power

I thought I’d give you a list of sensations that could signal arousal or distress, in case a menu would help you or help someone you want to assist.

Stress Signs

Heart beats faster
Muscles feel tight
Stomach ache
Nausea- feel sick
Tightness in chest
Tightness in throat
Throat hurts
Heart feels squeezed
You get louder
You get quieter
You shut down- can’t think or talk
Want to run away
Want to hide
Tightness in head
Fists clench
Sweaty hands
Breathing faster
Clenching teeth
Breaking or throwing things
Need to go to the bathroom
Turn red in the face
Dry mouth
Want to hurt someone
Eyes wide
Shaky legs
Shaky voice
Skin feels hot
Skin feels cold
Skin feels prickly
Pulling hair
Biting nails
Picking at skin
What else? _____________________________

Here it is in a pdf if you want to download and use it: Stress signs

Sometimes if I ask someone how their body tells them they are getting stressed, they draw a blank, but if I give them a menu, they quickly and easily highlight the applicable terms.

You can see using a menu in a video, starting after the first 30 seconds below:

Here are more forms and resources:

Stress Triggers

Stress Management Strategies

My Tools for Feelings copy w menu

Sign up to be emailed the free Mindgarden mini-course to learn thinking skill strategies for anxiety, panic attacks help, anger, and teach kids how to not give away your power to someone else by succumbing to everyday teasing and bullying here.

You can also find lots more free forms and resources on my page here

Or you can get the Anxiety and Children Video Course for teaching kids skills for managing anxious feelings.

Information on anxiety, panic attacks help on other sites:











I want to create healthy happy life

It can be hard to work with a mind that keeps going to the problems and worries. It's time to teach children their power over thoughts and feelings.

I would like teachable exercises for; replacing thoughts that are not helpful, reasonable, or true, creating joy and emotional resilience, Mindgarden metaphor illustrating power and choice in thoughts, Dream Book strategy for identifying clear goals and building motivation, a video explaining how NOT to let others or situations have the power to bring you down!

Content curated by Brad Mason, LPC Powered by ConvertKit

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