What Youth need to know about using artificial intelligence. The bad, the good, and recommendations.Youth and artificial intelligence: ProblemsReplika- “Join the millions who have already met their AI soulmates” Claims over 10 million users. Can steer conversations to romantic and erotic themes. No age screening for entry. This is an example of a parasocial relationship, […]
AI in Psychology and Counseling
Like it or not, AI has already permeated our lives and practices. Artificial intelligence in psychology, counseling, school psychology, and our children’s phones begs us to understand this digital revolution so that we can protect and serve our population. What follows is a review of current uses and concerns, which are changing by the day. […]
Habits for Behavioral Health
Our culture is generally aware that behavioral health problems abound in increasing rates, but what about habits for behavioral health to counter all the reasons put out there for the struggles so many face today? You can help yourself or someone you care about manage suffering and experience joy simply by committing to these better […]
ADHD Best Treatment Practices
ADHD Best Treatment PracticesBelow find a review of ADHD best treatment practices which include the following:Self-esteemCognitive-Behavioral TherapyBehavioral Therapy and Parent TrainingOrganizational and Planning SkillsCoping Skills- Emotional Awareness and Self-controlSocial and Social Thinking SkillsExecutive SkillsLifestyle StrategiesSensory Integration, Proprioception, Fine Motor InterventionComorbid Anxiety, Depression, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, CAPDNew FDA approved deviceVideo GamesSelf-esteem ADHD Best Treatment PracticesStudies show that […]
Find sleep treat insomnia
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) find sleep and treat that pesky insomnia.Some of my child, adolescent, and adult clients have their sleep schedules turned upside down. Awake at night, worrying alone or playing video games, then sleeping by day and struggling with fatigue.For many, the pandemic has disrupted normal routines and structures. Isolating at home, […]
Metacognition for self-esteem, self-regulation, academic success
Metacognition for self-esteem, self-regulation, academic successDid you know metacognition instruction has been identified and validated as a key method for improving self-esteem, self-regulation, academic success, and test scores?I have this little book called Mr. Daydream I sometimes read to children who seem to daydream in school and miss instruction. It’s pretty short and I ask […]
Covid Impact on Teens and Young Adults
Covid Impact on Teens and Young Adults- Understanding and SupportingThis article explores social and emotional stressors on teens and young adults followed by ways to support them and resources.To summarize covid impact on teens and young adults from the CDC’s website:https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/stress-coping/parental-resources/index.htmlChanges in their routines (e.g., having to physically distance from family, friends, worship community)Breaks in […]
Covid Impact on Children aged 6-12
Covid impact on children aged 6-12: understanding and supporting mental health.The first section of this article explores covid impact on children aged 6-12, while the second part reviews what can be done to manage and mediate these unfortunate factors. Solutions and resources for emotional health and coping skills, managing behaviors, getting through virtual school, and […]
Covid Impact on Young Children
Covid Impact on Young Children- Understanding and SupportingThis article explores the covid impact on young children, mainly their social and emotional development, aged birth through five. It will be followed by articles exploring the same topic for children in older age groups, with ideas about how to support healthy coping and development. Additional resources and […]
Digital Diet for Children and Teens
In this article about Digital Diet for Children and Teens you will find:-A discussion exploring the impact of common themes in digital media on our social and emotional development.-Proposed methods for healthy technology management-A template for a family media agreement establishing safe boundaries and consequences should they not be followed-Pros and cons of digital media-Resources […]