Module #9 – Anger and Children

“What do I do when they hit?” This is the question I usually get asked. Actually, it’s better to figure out what to do when they are not hitting. Trying to make them go to time-out can be a great way to escalate combative behavior. Let’s explore ways to keep things safe and teach the skills to manage and express emotions appropriately. We can all learn to take responsibility for our own happiness instead if giving it away.
“Sometimes anger is just anger. In a world where we are quick to assign diagnostic disorder names to every undesirable behavior (ADD, ADHD, ODD) sometimes it’s good to realize that sometimes we are just being human. This is a great video that de-mystifies anger in children and gives real life tools for helping families live happier, healthier lives.”
Anger Course Learning Objectives
After completing the anger and children course participants will be able to:
1.) Identify the right way to be mad and understand the importance of teaching and rehearsing appropriate substitute strategies.
2.) Describe categories of tools to fix feelings and select coping strategies from a menu of options.
3.) Discover the importance of adult responses to situations involving anger where inappropriate responses have not yet been displayed.
4.) Utilize tools to help an angry child recognize when an emotional response is developing before they get in trouble.
You can also see a preview video of the Anger and Children course on the homepage.