Balancing Power in Adult Relationships If you feel like you have no power in a relationship, then the current state of the relationship is not healthy for you. How can you be healthy if your partner has most of the power? Conflicts and power struggles are a normal part of any relationship. The question is, […]
Archive | Emotional Control for Anger and Anxiety
Emotional Control for Anger and Anxiety
Emotional control for anger and anxiety in children is perhaps the single one most important social skill. If you can’t control yourself other people feel uncomfortable and may begin to avoid, criticize, tease, or bully. The good news is these skills can be taught. I find the most effective way to do this is combine teaching skills with some great motivators and behavior management to get kids to actually use coping skills when it counts.
We also need a way to communicate coping and behavioral strategies to parents and teaching staff so they can coach the kids to utilize their skills within the context of the environments where they have problems. Find videos, explanations, forms, and templates ready for you to use.
Every child and family deserves the best intervention available for teaching them how to be mad the right way and ways to break patterns of aggression and avoidance of anxiety provoking situations. I don’t think children struggle because they make bad choices on purpose. I believe kids sometimes simply lack the right habits and thinking skills they need to successfully adapt to changing demands from the environment.
Learn how to teach that is not what happens or what other people do that makes you angry or fearful, it’s how you think about what happens. Stop giving away your power to feel okay to these other people or situations and learn personal power.
Below please find more information about teaching emotional control for anger and anxiety:
Help Kids in Times of Crisis- Coronavirus Kid Care Kit
How to talk to kids in crisis by age group
How to Get Anxious Kids to use Coping Skills
Metaphors for Teaching Children about Power in Feelings, Relationships, Teasing, and Bullying
Social emotional impact of covid on young children up to age 6 and how to help
Social emotional impact of covid on children aged 6-12
Student Loss of Joy and Motivation for School in Covid Times Guide
Lifestyle Strategies for ADHD and Mental Health
How to get the most out of my counseling session
Angry Refusal to Accept Responsibility
Teach Emotional Control and the Power of Thought
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Mind and Mood Control
Metacognition for self-esteem, self-regulation, and academic success
Power in Adult-child Relationships
Power in Adult-child Relationships To sign up for the free course: click here. Everybody wants to know what is going on with kids these days. Why are so many becoming oppositional and disrespectful to parents and teachers? Do kids have the right to say NO? What rights do they have? What power do they have […]
Stop Autistic Child from Perseverating
Perseveration Station How can you stop an autistic child from perseverating? Perseveration becomes a problem when it interferes with normal life activities. Especially it becomes a problem when someone gets “caught in a loop,” and it involves escalating emotions. The target of the perseveration may be about a past emotional injury such as bullying, teasing, […]
Help Myself and My Child Build Confidence
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Teach my ADHD Child Responsibility and Independence
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Caregiver Stress Inventory
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Metaphors for Teaching Children about Power in Feelings, Relationships, Teasing, and Bullying
Video explaining how to keep your power to feel okay when teased or disappointed Metaphors for Teaching Children about Power in Feelings, Relationships, Teasing, and Bullying Link to video explaining how to keep your power to feel okay when teased, bullied, frustrated, disappointed I once worked with a guy named, well, let’s just say his […]
Relationships, Feelings: Learning Your Power
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Anxiety, Panic Attacks Help
Here’s a neat trick for anxiety, panic attacks help. I call it a word experiment. Start with sensations that signal distress. Make a list, and put an = sign next to each sensation, and generate what this sensation means. tight chest = heart attack increased heart rate = panic Next generate some alternative interpretations of […]
Angry Refusal to Accept Responsibility
Is angry refusal to accept responsibility or blame an artifact of ADHD, Autism, or Narcissism? It breaks your heart to see someone who never learns from their mistakes. They simply can’t or won’t see their own role in the trouble they get into. What’s really weird is when you see them do the error or […]