Behavior and Counseling Resources for Free

Behavior and Counseling Resources for Free Categories:

(Keep scrolling down to find your category and the resource links)

Table of Contents

Behavior Management/Behavior Modification

Emotional Control

Cognitive-Behavioral- teach thinking skills for emotional control

Executive Skills- teaching brain skills for organizing goal-oriented behavior


Power in Relationships

Workshop Handouts & Workshops

Counseling Strategies

Misc.- Gifted Child, Bullies, Care for the Caregiver, Creating motivation, Sibling Rivalry

See my Blog on this site for more ADHD, ODD, AUTISM, Gifted, Emotional Control, IEP Goals, Counseling Technique articles, clicking on the hyperlinks in this sentence will take you to a category page listing related text with more strategies and resources.

(Scroll Down and click the red link text to get what you want)
If you haven’t gotten it already, get the free Mindgarden Mini-course 5 Day Challenge by visiting the home page of intensivecareforyou. Click the red button to get the free mini-course, delivered in a series of five emails.

This free opt-in to subscribe mini-course will help you teach self-control, valuable thinking skills, and a way to create dreams and motivation. It also shows me telling kids how not to give away their power to feel ok to someone else or a situation; a way to stay cool when you get teased or things don’t go your way.

Now also available is the free mini-course, Behavior Management Tips and Tools Giveaway, an educational and resource program that helps define where oppositional-defiant behavior comes from, effective ways to manage the conflicts, and powerful tricks for managing difficult behaviors effectively. Sign up by clicking here.

Telemedicine- If you think you need more help than what you find here, Virtual online counseling and psychological services now available here:

Help Kids in Times of Crisis- Coronavirus Kid Care Kit. Children with special needs and behavior problems stuck at home without structure can push their parents to the edge. Includes caregiver stress inventory and self-care advice, how to talk to kids about crisis, managing screen time, structuring time and behavior management to facilitatate schooling and minimize disruptions at home, and a menu of offline at-home activities. Parents who need more detailed how-to streamed video course instructions indexed and broken down into small steps with quiz questions and supporting documents and templates will also find the coupon code “covid” they can apply to ebooks or the courses for 50% off bringing the course price down to $13.50. Courses Link

Click on the link below to get a pdf of what you want.

Behavior Management/Behavior  Modification:

Activity Schedules

IEP Behavioral Goal Menu

Behavior rating chart- structures feedback so it’s quick, easy, and positive, establishes goals

Behavior Management Tricks and Treats- fun strategies you may not have thought of

bip (Behavior Intervention Plan form)

Words of Appreciation and Gratitude- phrases for encouraging and recognizing positive behaviors

Rules and Expectations- template for clarifying what they should do at home

Praise Ways Fun ways to reward behavior that don’t require tangibles or things you have to buy.

Student Loss of Joy and Motivation for School

Rewards Sample List

Rewards template

Teaching Responsibility and Independence- Telling vs Asking

When punishments reward and rewards punish

Emotional Control

How to Talk to Kids in Crisis- Developmentally Appropriate Ways of Reassuring Kids by Age Groups

Help Kids in Times of Crisis- Coronavirus Kid Care Kit

Online Therapy

Building Confidence- confidence and self-esteem provide a buffer for failures and disappointment

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Script video– Wound up too tight? Here’s how to let it out

relaxation tips

Gratitude List

Meditations- Six quick and easy strategies for the literal and beginner with instructions

Self-esteem Additional Content

Stress Triggers- use this menu to develop awareness of triggers and opportunities to prepare

Stress signs- menu to help recognize when stress is beginning before it’s too late!

Stress Management Strategies- have them highlight what they think would work for them

TNChandout 9/17/21




1-5 scale- used to establish the idea of gradations, emotional vocabulary, awareness, and tools

Mass Shootings- Consoling Through Times of Terror

Accountability Sheet- use this to help get kids to use their coping strategies

Anxiety Additional Notes and Content in Text

Affirmations to Calm Fears- mantras that can be memorized to thwart panic

resources for anxiety video course- list of further readings and research from my video course

My Tools for Feelings copy w menu You can have a child highlight coping skills they are willing to try and practice them. For younger kids and those on the spectrum, you might want to have them pick images from google images to represent the strategies to use as a reminder when they look like they are in trouble. For more insight on high-functioning Autism, check out my book Autism Asperger: Understanding from the Inside Out.

Cognitive-Behavioral (Teaching thinking skills for emotional control, anxiety, depression symptom management)

garden_of_the_mind– metaphor for explaining the power of thought and where feelings come from

Rational vs Irrational Thoughts Practice- which thoughts are true? Thought change= feeling change

Thinking Errors- categories of thoughts that are inaccurate and cause distress

Thinking Errors Practice

Thought Record

Dream Book Video- The dream book is a way to identify and clarify goals, develop motivation

Dream Book small file- explanation of dream book strategy in text

Dream Book Dream Menu

Executive Skills- developing brain skills that organize behavior in pursuit of a goal

executive functions- what are they?

EXECUTIVE Function Remediation strategies

metacognition- the ability to think about what you are thinking and doing- not all people have this, but it can be learned!

Problem Solving Template-highlights the power of brainstorming and adaptation when your solution is not working

Working Memory Remediation-here’s a way you can expand short-term memory in a short amount of time


Activity Schedules

Aspergers Screening Tool

Autism Organizations Updated 9-21-17 Includes organizations for Aspergers and adults.

heavy work activites home- heavy work activities provide sensory stimulation that organizes thinking and behavior for people with Autism, ADHD, and Sensory Integration Disorder

Heavy work activities include

heavy work activities school

Games Here are some games from my social skills video for children aged 4-8

Social Skills Resources

Getting Started with a Social Skills Group

Perseveration Station- caught in a loop? How to interrupt and get out

Power in Relationships

Exercise- Your Story

Exercise- Oppressive or LIberative? What kind of power do you use on your children?

Enerdrains and Energizers- Balance Your Power

Exercise- What do you want that you don’t have now?

Defective and Effective Communication Patterns

Power in Adult-child Relationships mini-course:

Below is what you should be getting in this mini-course:

  • Today: Empowering or Controlling?
  • Day 2: How much power do you give them, and how do you handle arguing/disagreements?
  • Day 3: How do you shut down and ignore to protect yourself from your children?
  • Day 4: What would you like your children to remember about you?
  • Day 5: Do you use your power to oppress or liberate?
  • Day 6: Resources to deepen and broaden parenting skills and knowledge
  • Day 7: Power-up phrases to use with kids
  • Day 8: More reading for you, articles and topics of special interest to help children

Everybody wants to know what is going on with kids these days. Why are so many becoming oppositional and disrespectful to parents and teachers? Do kids have the right to say NO? What rights do they have? What power do they have other than to say NO? Has something changed that makes them feel as if they have no power, or all the power now? What about the impact of technology and the spread of ideas about human rights and abuse of those rights, the way governments and dictators can systematically abuse a population of people? Click here to sign up.

Balancing Power in Adult Relationships free course

Workshop Handouts & Workshops

You can also book me for a workshop.

My practice website:

TASP 2020 Counseling Tools Index

TASP 2020 Related Service Counseling Handouts

Texas Counseling Assoc. Handout Index

Texas Counseling Assoc. 2017 handout

Counseling Strategies

More counseling:evaluation techniques Find yourself counseling strategies you haven’t tried before.


Stumped? Use this when you hit an impasse trying to counsel a kid

Or, order your copy of Counseling Tools for Kids in Schools, a pdf book that explains strategies and has tons of ready-set-go printable forms and templates for you to put to work immediately.

Misc.- Gifted Child, Bullies, Care for the Caregiver, Creating Motivation, Sibling Rivalry


caregiver-stress-inventory Sometimes we forget to address the needs of the caregiver. Use this to identify needs.


Safe websites for brainy kids

video game safety tools for keeping kids safe online

Pros and Cons of Digital Media and Human Development

Self-esteem Additional Content

Sibling Rivalry ebook Guide

Sibling rivalry resources pdf


Dream Book Video- the Dream Book is a fun way to establish clear goals and create motivation

Dream Book small file

Dream Book Dream Menu

Gifted Child- Can they be hard to teach and parent?

What is Twice Exceptional?

Your Story click here to sign up for the free course described briefly below

Get out of your rut

Use this only if you want to be a hero

Our stories about ourselves, our children, and our lives are very powerful. They inform us about how to think, feel, and act. They tell us what we can and can not do. We tell our stories to others who will listen and agree with our story. If they didn’t agree, or offered another explanation, it is as if they are denying us our reality, the one we are invested in, perhaps the one that explains why we have no power to be different, to feel different, to think and act differently to get a new outcome. So we tend to seek those who agree with us, and become angry with those who do not, denying their message and our own power for change. This is tribal power. This is how we maintain our “illness.”

Become the hero you were meant to be. Give it a click.

Want more resources, forms, and video instructions? Try one of my courses!

I hope you found these Behavior and Counseling Resources for Free useful.

Book Online Counseling Session with Brad:

Online Therapy


You can also book me for a workshop.

My practice website:

Therapist Vs Psychologist : Which One to Choose

How to Start the Conversation About a Loved One’s Mental Health

Promoting Mental Health at Home

Does My Teen Need Therapy?

Talking to Children About a Sibling’s Mental Illness

Leaving Therapy

A Family Guide to Psychiatric Hospitalization

Behavior and Counseling Resources for Free





I want to create healthy happy life

It can be hard to work with a mind that keeps going to the problems and worries. It's time to teach children their power over thoughts and feelings.

I would like teachable exercises for; replacing thoughts that are not helpful, reasonable, or true, creating joy and emotional resilience, Mindgarden metaphor illustrating power and choice in thoughts, Dream Book strategy for identifying clear goals and building motivation, a video explaining how NOT to let others or situations have the power to bring you down!

Content curated by Brad Mason, LPC Powered by Kit

Get the free mini-course!

We created a free mini-course that includes "Ten-minute Secret to Eternal Success" and "How to Teach Kids not to be so Negative and Have a Positive Attitude". Click below to get instant access!

Click here to get the free mini-course